CADC Announces Faculty Promotions for Fall 2022
The College of Architecture, Design and Construction is proud to announce that the following faculty members have been appointed or promoted effective Fall 2022. We celebrate your hard work and achievements!
In the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture (APLA), several visiting faculty members have been appointed to tenure-track positions. These new Assistant Professors include Gorham Bird in Architecture, Frank Hu in Landscape Architecture and Robert Sproull and Kelly Homan in Environmental Design. APLA’s Margaret Fletcher has been promoted from Associate Professor to Full Professor in Architecture.
In the McWhorter School of Building Science (BSCI), Amna Salman has been appointed as an Assistant Professor. Faculty members Lauren Redden, Eric Wetzel, Jeff Kim and Alan Bugg have all been promoted from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor.
In the School of Industrial and Graphic Design (SIGD) adjunct faculty member Zack Kohrman has been appointed as a Lecturer and will be teaching at futures studio, the Industrial Design program’s off-campus instructional site in Mobile, Alabama. Faculty members David Smith of Graphic Design and Ben Bush of Industrial Design have both been promoted from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor.
“We are proud to extend congratulations to our colleagues who have been promoted or appointed to new positions,” stated CADC Acting Dean Karen Rogers. “They have made significant contributions to the college in teaching, creative work and scholarship, research and service, and we look forward to seeing their upcoming projects and achievements.”
See more in:
Alumni Recognition,
Faculty Recognition