Gorham Bird
Assistant Professor

School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture
Bachelor of Architecture
104 Dudley Hall Phone: (334) 844-4516
Master of Science in Architectural Conservation, University of Michigan
Bachelor of Architecture, Auburn University
Bachelor of Interior Architecture, Auburn University
Registered Architect in State of Georgia and Michigan
Gorham Bird is Assistant Professor of Architecture, where he teaches first-year design studio and visual communication. Bird’s interests and research explore Architecture as an artifact of culture, documenting the political, social and historical past. His research confronts issues related to architectural conservation, adaptive reuse, and reimagining possible futures for cities’ symbols of economic neglect. Prior to joining Auburn, Bird practiced professionally with Atlanta firm Houser Walker Architecture working on complex adaptive reuse projects, renovations and additions within monumental historic settings. He is a Registered Architect in the State of Georgia and Michigan.
Architectural Conservation, Adaptive Reuse, Historic Preservation, Architectural Representation, Interior Architecture