Endowed Chairs and Professorships
Endowed chairs and professorships enable Auburn University to recruit and retain outstanding faculty members. Appointees to endowed positions exhibit a record of distinguished academic and/or professional work.
College of Architecture, Design and Construction
McWhorter Endowed Chair in CADC | Dawn Finley |
School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture
Ann & Batey Gresham Endowed Professorship | Carla Keyvanian |
J. Streeter Wiatt Distinguished Professorship | Andrew Freear |
McWhorter School of Building Science
School of Industrial and Graphic Design
Bauhaus Endowed Professorship | Shu-Wen Tzeng |
Ulm Endowed Professorship | Rusty Lay |
Playcore Professorship | Tin-Man Lau |
Master of Real Estate Development
R. Hugh Daniel Endowed Professorship | David Hinson |

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