The Graphic Design (GDES) Program prepares students to practice visual communication in a competitive global environment. Auburn’s nationally regarded BFA is NASAD accredited. Students receive hands-on design instruction in a professional studio environment that has a strong sense of community among students and faculty. Courses emphasize a systemic approach to design by incorporating cross-disciplinary collaborations and train students to become versatile designers and art directors. The program hosts exhibitions, design symposiums, and guest lectures by industry leaders, and the internship program provides real-world experience and opportunities to network. Students build a strong portfolio of work as a result of their overall experience and education.
The program emphasizes typography, branding, UI/UX, publication, motion, illustration, packaging, app, and wayfinding design.
Students pursuing the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree (BFA) in Graphic Design (GDES) will enroll in the College of Architecture, Design and Construction as Pre-Graphic Design (PGDE) majors for the first-year level curriculum.
The program maintains the right to limit freshmen and transfer enrollment. Admission into the BFA in graphic design is selective, is limited, and is based on a multiple step process.
Application for Pre-Graphic Design
Once accepted to Auburn University, students will be designated as Pre-Graphic Design (PGDE) for the first year of the curriculum.
PGDE to GDES second year level Courses:
After completing the first year level Pre-Graphic Design curriculum, an admission process based on GPA ranking admits qualified students into the Graphic Design second year level program for the GDES 2210 and GDES 2220 courses. Pre-Graphic Design students must complete at least 24 semester hours of credit including: GDES 1110 Foundation Drawing; GDES 1210 Foundation Design I; GDES 1220 Foundation Design II; ARTS 2100 Foundations of Art History I; ARTS 2150 Foundations of Art History II; and at least 6 hours of coursework counting toward the University Core Curriculum. The formula GPA for entrance to the second level of the pre-Graphic Design program will be calculated on the above listed courses only. (The two highest Core grades will be utilized in the event that more than two core classes have been completed.) Students will be ranked by formula GPA, and the top students will be selected. These students will be notified and then registered in the next level courses – GDES 2210 Graphic Processes and GDES 2220 Typographics I, by the CADC Office of Student Services. Students who are not accepted can reapply in following semesters.
In the event of a tie, the numeric grade earned in GDES 1220, Foundation Design II, will be used to break the tie.
Students who earn a D or F in a formula course may repeat the class per Auburn University policy, and the subsequent grade will be averaged with the D or F to determine the formula grade. Students may not repeat a course in which the student earned a C or better for purposes of the formula GPA.
All probationary second-year level GDES students who have achieved a minimum 2.50 GPA in GDES 2210 and GDES 2220 are eligible to apply through a portfolio review process for GDES 2230. The Graphic Design Review Committee will conduct an entrance review at the end of each fall, spring, and summer semester. To advance to GDES 2230, it is required that students submit a portfolio of work from GDES 2210 and GDES 2220, and a one-page typewritten statement of intent. The portfolio will consist of 6 projects from the two courses (no more than four projects from one course). The statement of intent should include reasons for choosing the Graphic Design major and address career goals. The Graphic Design Review Committee will evaluate the student’s portfolio and written statement in terms of the individual student’s skills, artistic perception, conceptualization, and professionalism. Upon successful admission by portfolio review, the student will be required to purchase a laptop computer that meets minimum requirements.
The Graphic Design Program is very demanding and competitive. Each student’s success in this program is not guaranteed; therefore, it is expected that each student will work hard to meet all of the requirements of this professional program. Students are advised to be aware of their strengths and weaknesses and continue to work towards excellence in all areas.
Due to prerequisites within the Graphic Design curriculum, all required coursework* in the Graphic Design major must be completed with a grade of C or better. In the event a C is received in a required course, then the student will be asked to meet with the Graphic Design student advisor. If a grade of D or F is received in any required coursework*, a review may be required by the Graphic Design program chair, and the student will be required to repeat the course before continuing in the program.
Students receiving a second C, D, or F in required courses* will be reviewed for continuance by a committee of graphic design faculty to determine the student’s ability to meet the requirements of the GDES professional degree program.
A student must have a minimum cumulative unadjusted GPA of 2.8 (on a 4.0 scale) on all collegiate work attempted and apply for admission with the university admissions office. If accepted for admission they are eligible to declare Pre-Graphic Design and begin the first-year curriculum.
The Graphic Design Internship is an opportunity for a student to gain professional work experience, a job-related reference for future employment on their resume, and an opportunity to experience first hand the area of design in which he/she may have a particular interest.
All graphic design students who have completed GDES 2230 may take GDES 3920 and receive four (4) credit hours. To be eligible to receive these internship credits, the student is expected to work a minimum of 200 hours under the direct supervision of a professional graphic designer.
The student should consult with the Graphic Design Internship Coordinator, Courtney Windham, to verify internship credit eligibility and fill out a sponsor registration form before starting an internship.
Towards the end of the internship, the student’s evaluator needs to complete the evaluation report and email it to the Graphic Design Internship Coordinator at least one week prior to the end of the internship.
The Auburn University School of Industrial + Graphic Design is committed to providing its faculty, staff, and students with outstanding special programs that enrich their student experience and enable them to succeed with both their educational and career goals.
Over the past twenty-five years the Industrial Design Program (INDD) in the School of Industrial + Graphic Design, College of Architecture, Design and Construction at Auburn University, has accomplished curriculum-based design education/research projects in collaboration with, and supported by industry and other outside entities.
The CADC charges a professional fee to partially defray the difference between state funding and tuition, and the actual costs of our professional programs. Within each program, a professional fee charge of $2,160 is tied to enrollment in specific trigger courses. During semesters when students are enrolled in these classes they will be charged the professional fee.
Through the professional fees, the CADC continues to provide our students with rigorous and relevant academic experiences, which contribute to our programs being recognized as among the best in the nation.
The CADC awards departmental scholarships based on a student’s AUSOM application and supplemental CADC application within AUSOM. The AUSOM application is a university-wide application. To ensure maximum consideration, it is imperative that students submit their AUSOM application by 4:45 p.m. CST on the day of the deadline to receive consideration for scholarships. Criteria for scholarships vary and include, but may not be limited to, academic major, geographic location, academic achievement, and financial need.
For further questions, please contact Student Services by calling 334.844.5350, visiting 120 Dudley Hall on weekdays 7:45–11:45 a.m. or 12:45–4:45 p.m. or emailing us at
Your gift and support ensure that Auburn’s top-ranked Graphic Design program will have the resources needed to educate students to be leaders in their profession.
The Graphic Design curriculum has been designed to meet accreditation standards set by SACS and NASAD (National Association of Schools of Art and Design) and is structured to provide students with a course of study that ensures growth and development over time.