Type Design Workshop with Detail.

Students creating typefaces during the workshop.

GDES students participate in type design workshop with Dublin-based designer Naoise Ó Conchubhair from Detail.

During the second week of September 2019, 15 seniors in the Graphic Design program at Auburn had the opportunity to participate in a 3-day type design workshop at the Library of Architecture, Design and Construction (LADC). The workshop, called ‘Place,’ was taught by Naoise Ó Conchubhair, designer and typographer at the Dublin based studio Detail. The students explored how reference to local vernacular can be used to create compelling design work. Each learned the skills needed to draw, space and export a working font file. These skills were then put to use designing the initial concept for a complete display typeface. Naoise supplied a selection of unusual type samples from Ireland and Alabama for inspiration.

“I enjoyed creating my own typeface, which I assumed would be an intimidating process but it really wasn’t; it was fun to be able to customize type characteristics.”
— Manie Vongdara

“I really appreciated all the detail that goes into designing a typeface. It was very impressive, because most people never notice whether type is designed well but they do notice bad type.”
— Caroline Ingram

I’m now not as intimidated by making custom type for a project. I feel comfortable enough with the concepts to make some glyphs for a logo or something similar if I needed to.

Katelyn Reynolds

Student participants: Morgan Ash, Hailey Boutelle, Emily Covington, Marti Duke, Carson Earls, Grayson Garraty,  Caroline Ingram, Gi Lee, Caitlyn Martin, Michelle Mayhall, Emily Perino, Rhett Reeves, Katelyn Reynolds, Rebecca Riemersma, Manie Vongdara.


About the Designer

Naoise Ó Conchubhair is a designer and typographer at Dublin-based, Detail. His work focuses on typographic solutions to design problems spanning web, print and experiential design. He has worked with clients such as Twitter, Bloomberg, The Irish Museum of Modern Art, Design Partners and The Irish Film Board. Notable projects include type design for Oscar-nominated Song of the Sea and Free Market, the award-winning Irish pavilion at the 2018 Venice Biennale. Naoise is a graduate of the National College of Art and Design, Ireland and also studied at Lahti University, Finland. He is regularly involved in design advocacy and education. He is a member of the 100 Irish Design Archive, coordinator for the Threex3 Internship Programme and an assessor of the International Society of Typographic Designers Student Assessment Scheme (ISTD).