Two Auburn Architecture Alumni Inducted into the 2017 AIA College of Fellows

Two Auburn architecture alumni were among the 184 elevated to the American Institute of Architects prestigious 2017 College of Fellows: C. Dinos Liollio, FAIA, LEED AP (Chapter: AIA South Carolina, Firm: Liollio Architecture) and Michael J. Malone, FAIA (Chapter: AIA Texas Society of Architects, Firm: Malone Maxwell Borson Architects).
Principal in Liollio Architecture in Charleston, South Carolina, Dinos Liollio’s experience spans 40 years addressing preservation, public and community projects as well as educational, commercial, and office design. He has been recognized with nearly 100 awards. In addition to celebrating its 60th anniversary, Liollio Architecture was honored by the AIA South Carolina Chapter with the 2016 Firm Award. Liollio received a Bachelor of Architecture and a Bachelor in Environmental Design in 1976.
Michael Malone is the Founding Principal of Malone Maxwell Borson Architects in Dallas, Texas, which specializes in the design of commercial projects including retail and commercial interiors and corporate marketing as well as work in single and multifamily residential design. In 2013, the firm was chosen by the AIA Dallas Chapter as the Architecture Firm of the Year. Malone is the author of The Architects Guide to Residential Design (McGraw Hill, 2010). He received a Bachelor of Architecture and a Bachelor in Environmental Design in 1981.
“The faculty in the College of Architecture, Design and Construction join me in congratulating Dinos Liollio and Michael Malone on this well-deserved recognition,” says Dean Vini Nathan. “Dinos and Michael join a distinguished group of Auburn architecture alums who embody the highest aspirations of the profession and do us proud every day.”
Elevation to Fellow is an honor bestowed selectively upon AIA members who have made significant contributions over time to the profession, to their local communities and to society on a national level. The selection process is rigorous and represents the highest honor the AIA can confer upon an individual licensed-architect member; approximately three percent of AIA’s 88,000+ members have this distinction. The 2017 AIA Fellows from around the country were honored at an investiture ceremony at the AIA Convention in Orlando on April 28.
See more in:
Accolades, Alumni
Related people:
Vini Nathan