Student Spotlight: Jordan Payne
Originally from Helena, Alabama, Environmental Design (ENVD) student Jordan Payne is on track to graduate an entire year early. As someone who likes to plan for the future, Payne started her college career while still in high school, and the extra credits she earned back then paved the way for an accelerated undergraduate experience. The only program in the CADC that does not require a lock step curriculum, students can transfer in credits from AP courses and dual enrollment courses that can assist with an early graduation which is not possible in most CADC majors. “I took every AP, Honors or Dual Enrollment course that was offered in order to either test out of or complete as many college prerequisite courses as possible,” she stated.
As she finishes up her college career, Payne will actually be spending her last semester at Auburn off campus, studying abroad in Copenhagen, Denmark, this summer. She and her fellow ENVD classmates will learn about architecture, development and cultural influences on the built environment while completing their independent senior projects. “For my individual research, I am hoping to channel my interest in sustainability to focus on LEED buildings, alternative building methods that are being developed in Copenhagen or even how their transportation systems connect all of the social infrastructure throughout the city,” she said.
As a student, Payne has been involved in a variety of organizations on campus, including the Environmental Design Student Organization and the College of Architecture, Design and Construction (CADC) Ambassadors. “Being an Ambassador allows you to really connect with your peers and make connections with students in other majors offered in the CADC,” she said. “Sharing insight with prospective students about ENVD is always interesting as they often do not completely understand the program. Being able to enlighten and share positive experiences during tours always leaves me feeling that I have helped a future Auburn Tiger find their place within the CADC.” Payne encourages incoming freshmen and transfers to keep an open mind to all of the educational and career possibilities within the broad field of design. “I cannot express how many newfound interests I have stumbled upon by allowing myself to explore different avenues within the Environmental Design program,” she said. “Since it is an interdisciplinary major, there are so many possibilities embedded in the program that students are bound to find their specific interests.”
Payne has been named to the Dean’s List every semester and holds a 3.9 GPA. After graduation in August, she is hoping to work for a firm that focuses on holistic design and storytelling in communities. While her interests have focused on urban planning and master planning, she is also drawn to designing and researching architectural techniques used in luxury residential home building. “Jordan is an excellent student who is gracious and hardworking,” stated Assistant Professor Kelly Homan. “She always adds thoughtful ideas to discussions and helpful critique to her classmates. Her work is exceptional, and she is a joy to teach. She is one of our youngest students coming through and I wish she would stick around for longer!”
See more in:
Student Experience, Student Recognition
Related people:
Kelly Homan