LeBleu Selected as ASLA Professional Awards Research Category Jurist

Charlene LeBleu, FASLA, Interim Head of the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture, has been selected to be a Research Category Jurist for the 2017 American Society of Landscape Architecture Professional Awards. ASLA juries represent the breadth of the profession, including private, public, institutional, and academic practice and exemplify diversity in professional experience and all other areas. The judging will take place in May in Washington DC.
“It is an honor and a privilege to be selected to serve my profession in the area of research at the national level,” says LeBleu. “As landscape architecture expands its areas of research, it becomes increasingly important for landscape architects to be able to implement a range of accepted research strategies when seeking, creating, and validating knowledge. The ASLA Professional Awards Research Category provides this validation.”
The ASLA Professional Awards Research category recognizes research that identifies and investigates challenges posed in landscape architecture, providing results that advance the body of knowledge for the profession. The jury considers how the research is framed; the context and resources of the study; the methods of inquiry; the results of investigation; and the lesson value of the research conclusions to the field at large.
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Faculty, Industry Collaboration
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Charlene LeBleu