Green Infrastructure Lab

Charlene LeBleu (APLA) and Keith Rahn (BSCI) are CADC managers for Auburn’s Interdisciplinary Green Infrastructure Lab. The main purpose of this lab is to develop design models for standard stormwater control measures that can be used to meet specific effluent temperature standards and to maintain the required thermal regime in a receiving stream. This project engages controlled laboratory test to assess low impact development (LID) stormwater control measures to reduce the impact of the thermal characteristics of stormwater runoff. The laboratory provides environmental control and is designed for both wet and dry research. All faculty researchers are members of the AU Green Infrastructure Lab Team.
The current laboratory study evaluates four substrate microcosms (impervious concrete, pervious concrete, permeable concrete pavers, and turf grass). Runoff from simulated rainfall onto thermally loaded substrates is directed into rain garden microcosms. The objectives of this study is to 1) evaluate the temperature response of the four substrates during simulated thermal loading; 2) quantify the temperature impact of the four substrates to simulated rainfall applied to the substrate; 3) compare temperature changes between substrates; and 4) establish a baseline measurement of temperature for each substrate compared to selected field-based temperature measurements.
Interdisciplinary partners in the lab include Dr. Mark Dougherty, Associate Professor of Biosystems Engineering and Dr. Amy Wright, Professor of Horticulture, and Associate Dean, College of Agriculture.
Charlene LeBleu is Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture at Auburn’s School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture; Keith Rahn is Associate Professor at the McWhorter School of Building Science.
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Charlene LeBleu, Keith Rahn