Graphic Design Team’s Letterpress Poetry Broadsides Receive UCDA Silver Award

The Letterpress Poetry Broadsides that a College of Architecture, Design and Construction Graphic Design team created for the Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art Third Thursday’s Poetry Series received a Silver Award from the University & College Designers Association Design Competition. The UCDA Design Competition recognizes the best of exceptional design work done to promote educational institutions. Out of 1,100 entries, 165 received awards and only 15 were awarded Silver. The Letterpress Poetry Broadsides will be on exhibit at the UCDA Design Conference in Orlando this October. Robert Finkel, assistant professor of graphic design, was the art director and printer for the 75 sets of letterpressed broadsides. The team of graphic designers included graphic design faculty from the School of Industrial + Graphic Design: Kelly Bryant, Finkel, Courtney Hurst-Windham, Samantha Lawrie, and College of Architecture, Design and Construction graphic designer Courtney Collins. For more, click here.
See more in:
Faculty Collaboration,
Faculty Work
Related people:
Courtney Windham,
Kelly Bryant,
Robert Finkel