Graphic Design Professor Creates Mobile App for Taking Class Attendance

Wang’s Class Roll App Website Wins Platinum Award
The website that Wei Wang, Alumni Professor of graphic design in the School of Industrial + Graphic Design, created for his Class Roll App, has won the 2014 Summit Marketing Effectiveness Award. Out of 890 entries in this international competition, the Class Roll App website received the Platinum Award for the highest score for its marketing communication effectiveness. To visit the Class Roll App website, go to:
What is the easiest and most effective tool for taking class attendance? Wei Wang, Alumni Professor of graphic design in the School of Industrial + Graphic Design, couldn’t find the answer from anything in the market, so he decided to design one himself. Being both a teacher and designer, he knew what was needed to make the app most useful and how to create a design that was simple to use, effective and fun. Wang tackled the project during spring semester as he taught his graphic design students how to create mobile apps. He worked at night to stay ahead of his students and developed “Class Roll,” using it as a teaching model.
The result of his efforts is an iOS app that allows educators to take class attendance on their iPhone or iPad.
Key features of the app are:
- Beautiful and intuitive user-friendly interface
- Secure class and student data
- Data synchronization on multiple devices
- Add/Edit/Delete class and student information
- Import contacts from mobile device via iCloud contacts
- Attendance status includes: presence, absence, excused absence and tardy
- Edit attendance records on previous class days
- Customizable class schedules
- View individual student attendance records
- View and share class attendance reports
- Ideal for team teaching and teaching collaborations
The app is now available on Apple’s iTunes store and can be accessed by searching keywords “Class Roll” or clicking on this direct link. More information, screenshots and video tutorials can be found here.
Wang has been teaching graphic design in the School of Industrial + Graphic Design, College of Architecture, Design and Construction at Auburn University for 15 years. His main areas of research are brand strategy, user-experience design and web/interactive design. He is the founder and creative director of Oneway Studio.
Wang has designed corporate identities, websites and advertising campaigns for many clients in the United States and overseas, including Coca-Cola, Volkswagen, the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, NASA and the Federal Aviation Administration.
His design work has been published in Global Corporate Identity 2, and he has received many major interactive design awards, including numerous AAF ADDY awards, Horizon International Interactive Design awards, a Summit International Creative Award, Interactive Media Award (IMA), a UCDA Design Award and most recently, a 2014 Summit International Emerging Media Award.
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Wei Wang