Dial Named to ASLA’s Women of Color Licensure Advancement Program

The American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) has included Auburn alumnus Alexandria Dial in its inaugural class of the Women of Color Licensure Advancement Program. Dial graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Design in 2016 and a Master of Landscape Architecture in 2017 from Auburn’s School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture.
ASLA’s new program is designed to support women of color as they pursue landscape architecture licensure and also provide mentorship opportunities to help them succeed in their careers. The program aims to increase racial and gender diversity in the field of landscape architecture by matching each participant with a mentor and providing funding to cover the costs of the Landscape Architectural Registration Exam as well as exam preparation and resources.
A native of Birmingham, Dial currently works as a landscape designer for Studio Outside in Dallas, Texas. Professor Charlene LeBleu taught Dial in Auburn’s landscape architecture program. “Alex and I keep in touch,” she explained. “I was so excited when she texted me that she had been selected to the inaugural class of Women of Color Licensure Advancement program!” LeBleu said that as a student, Dial was a dedicated and gifted designer whose approach to design was always socially and ecologically responsible. “Taking a professional license exam can be intimidating and financially straining on any young professional,” LeBleu said. “I know that being a licensed landscape architect is important to Alex. She’s got this!”
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Alumni, Alumni Recognition, AOI Archive, Industry Recognition
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Charlene LeBleu