Charlene LeBleu Elevated to Fellow in the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture

Auburn University’s Charlene LeBleu, Professor in the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture, has been awarded the status of fellow of the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA). A decorated faculty member in the Master of Landscape Architecture program, LeBleu is one of only four educators honored in CELA’s 2020 class of fellows. Fellows are selected based on their lifetime achievements in teaching, research and creative activity, and of CELA’s approximately 1100 members only about 7% are fellows.
LeBleu has been an active member of CELA for many years. In 2016 she received the President’s Award for Leadership as the organization’s Vice President of Research and Creative Scholarship. She also served as the editor-in-chief of CELA’s Landscape Research Record. “I’m so honored by this announcement,” LeBleu said. “CELA is one of the preeminent groups for landscape architecture educators, and it has meant so much to me over the years.”
Le Bleu’s primary research interests include coastal planning and design, green infrastructure and low impact development design. During the past year she has been part of an interdisciplinary team at Auburn collaborating on a project to study permeable pavement and storm water run-off that earned recognition from the Alabama Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA). In addition to CELA, LeBleu is also a fellow of ASLA and was one of the first faculty awarded a Spirit of Sustainability Award from Auburn.
See more in:
Alumni Recognition, Faculty Recognition, Industry Recognition
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Charlene LeBleu