Rich Britnell


Rich Britnell

School of Industrial and Graphic Design

Bachelor of Industrial Design, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Design Studies, Master of Industrial Design

242 Wallace Hall Phone: (334) 844-2364

Master of Industrial Design, Auburn University
Bachelor of Science Environmental Design, Auburn University
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design, Auburn University

Rich Britnell is Professor of Industrial Design in the Auburn University School of Industrial and Graphic Design. Professor Britnell teaches drawing and presentation techniques as part of the freshman summer experience each year, fall and spring fourth year studios and the professional practice class each semester. He also serves as a graduate faculty member, advising graduate students and teaching the design management class.

Interest areas in research and practice:
My area of expertise is in entrepreneurship and the business of design. Most semesters my studio is involved with projects from outside industry sponsors. My research extends into the area of entrepreneurship and my cartographic illustration techniques that I have developed for the past two decades.