Student Services

Professional Fees

The College of Architecture, Design and Construction at Auburn University is recognized nationally and internationally for its exemplary programs and academic excellence. The professional fee partially offsets the costs associated with achieving and maintaining rigorous, relevant and robust academic experiences for our students, and for providing them with the resources and support that they will need to be successful in their academic and professional careers.

The professional fee provides important support for instruction. CADC classes are taught by professional faculty, professors of practice and qualified industry experts and practitioners. Active learning is a vital aspect of CADC programs that prepares students for professional practice. The learning experience in the college is enhanced by smaller class sizes and a low faculty-to-student ratio. Enhanced learning opportunities include hands-on and field work, study beyond and study abroad, competitions in the design and construction fields, studio environments and access to well-equipped shops and maker spaces.

The professional fee also enhances support systems and specialized resources for our students. Students have consistent and continuous access to an outstanding team of academic advisors and career specialists. Our advisors work with students individually by major to ensure highly effective connections with our degree programs, and our job placement rate has been historically strong. Cutting-edge information technology is integrated into the learning experience across the college, and students are able to employ a variety of technical applications appropriate to their professional practice throughout their time at the CADC. Each school within the college has a dedicated unit technology manager that works with students, faculty and staff to ensure that we consistently engage with technology at a high level. Students have access to IT networks, computers, software and supplies in support of their experience in CADC’s professional programs.

Professional fee funds are allocated each year according to ongoing and specific needs.

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Auburn University Fee Statement

The amount that students pay in tuition and required fees represents a sizable and important investment in their future. However, student payments alone do not cover the full cost of providing any of Auburn’s educational programs. Even after state appropriations are included, some programs require funding through additional fees in order to provide a high-quality learning environment that students expect. Like the basic tuition and fees, these additional amounts help to cover not only the direct costs of providing instruction and advising in these programs but also indirect costs associated with Auburn’s role as a comprehensive center of higher education for the state.


CADC Professional Fee Information

Professional programs are inherently more expensive to run than non-professional programs. They require more space, more personnel, a lower student-to-teacher ratio, access to a higher level of technology than most disciplines, and incur significant costs associated with achieving and maintaining accreditation from the appropriate specialized, national agencies. As a result, the College of Architecture, Design, and Construction (CADC) charges a professional fee to partially defray the difference between state funding and tuition, and the actual costs of our professional programs. Within each program, a professional fee charge of $2,160 is tied to enrollment in specific trigger courses. During semesters when students are enrolled in these classes they will be charged the professional fee. Each curriculum has its own trigger courses as noted by a triangle on the curriculum model. These courses are also identified in the CADC Undergraduate Handbook and listed below by major.

Trigger Courses by Major

For More Information

Should you have any questions about the trigger courses, please contact the Office of Student Services at 334-844-5350.