This is Awesome: CADC Students Win Creative Scholarship Awards

This is Awesome: CADC Students Win Creative Scholarship Awards

College of Architecture, Design and Construction students won several awards for their creative scholarship at the This is Research: Student Symposium on April 20, 2015. This is Research: Student Symposium offered graduate and undergraduate students the experience of presenting their research/creative scholarship to the broader academic community and the opportunity to compete for awards.

CADC students competed in the Research and Creative Scholarship in Design, Arts and Humanities category with poster and oral presentations. Their poster presentations were judged on quality of content, conclusions, visual material (if appropriate), presentation, originality, and significance to discipline (merit). CADC undergraduates received the following awards:

First Place: Richard Bryant

Poster presentation: In between: Addressing the problem of an aging school infrastructure

Program: Interior Architecture

Mentors: Rebecca O’Neal Dagg, Matt Hall, Sheri Schumacher, and Kevin Moore

Second Place: Kristin Dobbs

Poster presentation: Non-biodegradable waste impacts and management solutions 

Program: Environmental Design

Mentor: Magdalena Garmaz

Third Place: Adam Levet and Megan Word

Poster presentation: Urban Studio: The power of redundancy

Program: Interior Architecture

Mentor: Kevin Moore

Oral presentations were judged on quality of content, conclusions, visual material (if appropriate), presentation, originality, and significant to discipline. A CADC graduate student took first place in the Creative Scholarship category.

First Place: Elizabeth Matthews

Oral presentation: Estrangement in Rural Wilds

Program: Landscape Architecture

Mentor: David Hill

“The CADC student participants in this symposium and the faculty mentors who supported them are doing a fabulous job helping to increase awareness across campus of the contributions of our college to creative scholarship and research,” says Karen Rogers, Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research. “This was a highly competitive event: more than 300 students presented their work, and only 27 awards were given. Not all of the CADC students who participated received an award, but all of the work presented by our students was outstanding and provided insight into the quality and professionalism produced by our students and faculty on a daily basis. This is the CADC, and it is awesome indeed!”

For more about the This is Research: Student Symposium, click here.