The Sani-Freeze Returns

Thanks to the McWhorter School of Building Science, the Sani-Freeze returns to the Auburn campus this fall. A group of students working under the direction of Professor Mike Hosey completed the front façade of the “The Flush,” as it was affectionately called, as a service learning project this summer. Sani-Freeze was a well-known local walk-up eatery that closed in 1993. “The Flush” was famous for ice cream treats–especially the upside-down banana split.
Service learning projects are an integral part of the building construction curriculum in which students take classroom research and theories and apply them in real services that meet community needs. Partnering with the Auburn Alumni Association, the students recreated the Sani-Freeze in anticipation of the 2016 football season. The purpose of the project was to build a historically accurate representation of the Sani-Freeze ice cream shop for display on the front patio outside of the Auburn Alumni Center.
“Essential to the recreation is historical accuracy. While the model will only consist of the front façade of the building, the team will take great care to recreate the original details, referencing historical photographs. We worked with Dorris Sign Co. for a recreation of the menu sign, with each item and price depicted as accurately as possible. The brick planters were also recreated for full effect,” says Eric Lynn in his report. Lynn was the foreman on the project.
During the 2016 football season, the Alumni Hospitality Tailgate, in partnership with O-Town Ice Cream, is serving sweet treats to alumni and fans starting three hours before kickoff, every home game. “A special thanks to the McWhorter School of Building Science for their partnership in bringing this iconic landmark to life,” said Gretchen VanValkenburg, vice president of alumni affairs and executive director of the Auburn Alumni Association.
“Many of us had no prior experience with building a structure,” said Hannah Redifer. “The whole process was a huge learning experience. Teamwork allowed the project to run smoothly despite many issues. In the end, seeing the public’s reaction to the project was extremely rewarding. It is so great to be able to help re-create a piece Auburn’s history.”
Students involved in this project included, Jamie Andrews, Drew Bolton, Colby Brasher, Eric Lynn (Foreman), Tanner Mayfield (Foreman), Jason McCay, Andrew McCrory, Hannah Redifer, and John Shreve.
Students in the picture, from left to right: Eric Lynn, Colby Brashear, Jamie Andrews, John Shreve, Hannah Redifer, Jason McCay, Andrew McCrory, Drew Bolton, Tanner Mayfield.
See more in:
Service Learning
Related people:
Mike Hosey