More On: Student Experience

CADC Opens Research Commons
The CADC Research Commons includes 8,000 square feet of space in Auburn’s Research and Innovation Center to provide research support and administration spaces.

Environmental Design Student to Serve as CADC’s Summer Commencement Marshal
Jordan Rae Payne has been selected as the student marshal for CADC at Auburn University’s Summer 2023 commencement ceremony.

MLA Students Receive Funding from Sigma Lambda Alpha
Three Auburn students have been awarded funding from Sigma Lambda Alpha, the International Honor Society of Landscape Architecture.

Students Win Honors from Alabama Chapter of American Society of Landscape Architects
Several Auburn students were recently honored as Student Award Winners in the Alabama Chapter of American Society of Landscape Architects’ 2023 competition.

Student Spotlight: Brielle Stein
Brielle Stein, a senior in Auburn’s School of Industrial and Graphic Design (SIGD), loves typography and engaging with her community.

Auburn Graphic Design Students Compete in International Biodesign Challenge
Four graphic design students from SIGD competed in the international Biodesign Challenge in New York City this past week.

SIGD Students Complete Workshop With The People’s Graphic Design Archive
This past spring, students in Robert Finkel’s Graphic Design History class completed a workshop with The People’s Graphic Design Archive.

Alumni Spotlight: Damon Duncan
Damon Duncan, who graduated from Auburn’s MRED program, is President and CEO of Clesia Ventures, LLC, a real estate development and management consulting firm based in Atlanta.

Rural Studio Research Explores Mass Timber Construction
CADC's Rural Studio in Newbern, Alabama, is the home of three different research projects exploring the use of mass timber.

Student Spotlight: Miriam Abikhaled
ENVD major Miriam Abikhaled, a new member of War Eagle Girls and Plainsmen, is looking forward to studying abroad in Copenhagen this summer.