Student Spotlight: Molly Campbell

When Molly Campbell graduates from Auburn’s College of Architecture, Design and Construction (CADC) this May, she will have a Bachelor of Architecture, minors in Business and Environmental Design and the LEED Green Associate credential. In addition to her academic accomplishments, Campbell has maintained an extraordinary level of involvement in student organizations on campus.
Originally from Jacksonville, Florida, Campbell was intentional about becoming involved with student groups on campus when she started college. “I wanted to meet people since I was the only one from my graduating high school class to attend Auburn,” she explained. “I also wanted to prove wrong the ‘architecture student stuck in studio’ stereotype, and I genuinely wanted to pursue every opportunity that presented itself while in college.” As a student worker, she has been employed as a CADC Research Assistant, a teaching assistant in Environmental Design, a Resident Assistant in Housing and a Camp War Eagle counselor. She has been involved with the Design Build Institute of America, University Program Council, Emerge and Tau Sigma Delta Honor Society and was also an Auburn University cheerleader.
Her most recent leadership role has been her position as Pumpkin Carve Co-Chair for Auburn’s chapter of the American Institute of Architecture Students. As a Student Recruiter for Undergraduate Admissions and a CADC Ambassador, Campbell’s involvement on campus has not gone unnoticed. In 2021, she was a Top 20 Miss Homecoming Candidate. She has had her work published in The Auburn Circle and won first place in the Miller Writing Center’s ePortfolio competition in 2022.
Katherine Buck Chastain, CADC’s Administrator of Recruitment, said that Campbell’s engagement with student organizations has made her a valuable asset to the college. “Molly is a stand-out CADC Ambassador!” she stated. “She shows daily that a student with time management skills can excel in our studios while taking full advantage of the extracurricular experience at Auburn. I am so proud of her work this past five years, and I cannot wait to see the impact she will make on the professional architecture community.”
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Katherine Buck Chastain