Recent SIGD Grad Selected for International Exhibition

The work of Brooke Matey, a 2022 graduate of the School of Industrial and Graphic Design (SIGD), has been selected to travel the world as part of Intercontinental Biennial’s main exhibition titled “Crossing Continents.”
The exhibition will begin in South America later this year, traveling to Colombia, Argentina and Brazil. In 2024, the exhibition will continue its tour through Europe, Asia and Oceania. “It feels like an immense privilege to know that my work will travel to places that I myself have yet to see and experience,” Matey stated. “For me, the purpose of art and design is to bring people together in ways not traditionally explored, and this experience is an illustration of that.”
Matey’s submission to Intercontinental Biennial was a poster she completed for her senior capstone project while studying Graphic Design (GDES) at Auburn. She created a type design called Dunlop 228 that she named after SIGD faculty member Bill Dunlop. Her typeface is a modular display face inspired by an exercise in Dunlop’s introductory Foundation of Design class. Dunlop 228 consists of four basic shapes that are combined for a nontraditional appearance that can be used in a creative and unexpected manner. “Bill was one of the biggest influences on me during my time in the program and he shaped me into the designer I am today,” Matey stated. “Part of my reason for connecting my senior project to his course was in hopes of demonstrating to underclassmen the relevance, importance and lasting impact of the foundation courses, because I know how much it benefited my design career.”
It feels like an immense privilege to know that my work will travel to places that I myself have yet to see and experience.
Matey, who is currently pursuing a Master of Fine Arts in Graphic Design at Boston University, said she was grateful that SIGD faculty member Mario Bocanegra encouraged her to submit her work for the competition. “The GDES program is lucky to have great faculty and mentors like Mario who value their students and their futures. I wouldn’t have submitted my work without his encouragement.”
Intercontinental Biennial will announce its exhibition finalists on September 28 and award winners on October 5 of this year.
See more in:
Alumni, Alumni Recognition, Student Competitions, Student Work
Related people:
William Dunlop, Mario Bocanegra