Braden Lewis

CADC Philanthropy Officer

Braden Lewis

College of Architecture, Design and Construction

430 North College Street Phone: (334) 844-5436

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Design, Auburn University, 2020

Braden Lewis is a Philanthropy Officer in the Auburn University College of Architecture, Design and Construction. As a graduate of the CADC, Braden’s passion for his alma mater drives his commitment to promote, support, and strategize all aspects of the college. In this endeavor, Braden communicates the college’s vision to those who support the CADC to allow for continual growth and to shape the future of the College and University as a whole.

Prior to his role as Philanthropy Officer, Braden served as the Engagement Center Director at the University of Florida, where he worked directly with students to promote annual giving to alumni, parents and friends of the University.