Alex Hart
CADC Philanthropy Officer

College of Architecture, Design and Construction
430 North College Street Phone: (334) 844-8853
Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration, Auburn University, 2007
Licensed Realtor, 2018
Certified Architectural Photographer, 2019
Alex Hart is a Philanthropy Officer in the Auburn University College of Architecture, Design and Construction. In his role as Philanthropy Officer, Hart believes in promoting, supporting, and planning all facets of the CADC including past, current, and future projects and goals. In supporting and promoting the CADC, Hart intentionally shares new projects and goals with those who support the CADC to drive the future of the College and Auburn University. Combining his passion for Auburn University and his experience in construction sales, real estate, and architectural photography, Hart is able to not only use his skill set as Philanthropy Officer, but is able to continue to grow the programs within the CADC and support Auburn University’s goals.