Morgan’s Image I Class Produced Graphics for AU Cyber Security Awareness Campaign

Professor John Morgan’s Image I class produced graphics for a Cyber Security Awareness campaign for the Office of Information Technology at Auburn University.
After OIT determined that Phishing would be the focus for the fall campaign, Morgan’s Graphic Design class of 16 students were divided into four teams to come up with slogans and a conceptual direction for the National Cyber Security Awareness campaign. Phishing is a scam that happens when someone attempts to acquire your personal information by pretending to be a trustworthy entity online. Each student was responsible to send a message with their own original image that they designed; therefore 16 images were presented to OIT. After positive preliminary feedback, the students revised their campaigns for a final presentation review.
Although OIT was impressed with all of the images presented to them, they ultimately selected Lindsey Drennan’s (senior in Graphic Design) idea for the campaign. Drennan’s “One Fish, Two Fish, Scammed Duped Phished” graphic (pictured above) appeared throughout campus during National Cyber Security Awareness Month in October. This campaign’s graphic was sent to Auburn University emails, pictured on Tiger Transit buses and is also outlined here.
Other examples of graphics designed by students in Professor Morgan’s Image I class for the Cyber Security awareness campaign are pictured below:

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Student Experience, Student Work