Linnaea Tillett Presents Final Lecture in Architecture Fall 2015 Lecture Series
The School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture Fall 2015—Spring 2016 Lecture series, “on the BRINK: beyond which success or catastrophe occurs” will present Linnaea Tillett, Ph.D., Monday, November 16, for the final lecture for the fall semester. Tillett is founder and principal of Tillett Lighting Design Associates in New York City, NY. She holds a doctorate in environmental psychology and has extensive experience in lighting landscape, infrastructure, architecture, public art, interiors, and art collections. Her lecture, “What’s Light Got to Do with It?” is free and open to the public at 4:00 p.m. in B6 auditorium in Dudley Commons. The APLA lecture series is supported by practicing architects, planners and landscape architects in the State of Alabama.
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Lecture Series, Lectures, Student Experience