Kuroishi Presents Final Lecture in Architecture Spring 2016 Series

Izumi Kuroishi, Ph.D., Professor of Architecture Theory and History at Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan, will present the final lecture in the APLA’s Spring 2016 Lecture Series: “on the Brink: beyond which success or catastrophe occurs,” on Monday, April 4, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. Professor Kuroishi’s research focuses on material culture and ethnographies of architectural space as well as on the idea of interior, and on the relationship among technologies, rituals, and mathematics in the designing of buildings. She is the editor of Constructing the Colonized Land: Entwined Perspectives of East Asia around WWII. Her lecture, “Small Houses with Large Dreams: Technology and Design of Prefabricated Houses in Postwar Japan” is in Dudley Commons B6 auditorium and is free and open to the public. The APLA lecture series is supported by practicing architects, planners and landscape architects in the State of Alabama.
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Lecture Series, Lectures, Student Experience