INDD Studio Collaborations: PRATT Industries
PRATT Industries, a 100 percent recycled and sustainable packaging and display solutions company, collaborated with Professor Randy Bartlett’s third year industrial design studio to develop innovative product concepts to be manufactured from corrugate and paper. Concepts were generated in lighting diffusers, luminaries, catering supplies, mailers, insulation, and products where the primary package has a secondary use.
Three Auburn industrial design graduates, Travis Walters ’12, Zach Boland ’12, and Greg Sollie ’80, are PRATT employees and participated in the development process. Seventeen students generated 40 concepts each; PRATT selected three concepts for each student to develop further. Each concept underwent additional iterations to develop solutions that met user and market needs and was technically viable and satisfied production requirements.
Final prototypes were produced at the PRATT Specialty Division in Atlanta, Georgia, using PRATT’s production fabricating equipment. The students then presented their designs to PRATT’s management team in Auburn.
See more in:
Industry Collaboration, Industry Engagement, Student Work
Related people:
Randall Bartlett