Graphic Design Grads win ADDYs

Two graduates of SIGD’s Graphic Design program were among those honored at the 56th Annual American Advertising Federation of Birmingham ADDY awards on February 6. Matt Harris ‘01 was named Creative Director of the Year for his work on Jim ‘N Nicks, National Veterans Day, Go Build Alabama, Dixie Fish Company. Blake Hicks ‘08 was named Interactive Designer/Art Director of the Year for his work on several winning websites including Both are part of the creative team at Big Communications in Birmingham, and both were part of Big Communications projects that garnered 29 ADDYs, sweeping the digital categories and winning Best of Show.
This is the second straight year that Big employees and Auburn graduates have won in the Creative Director of the Year and Interactive Developer/Art Director of Year categories. Aaron Gresham ’97 and Shannon Harris ’06 won in these categories respectively in 2013. Big Communications is an Alabama-based, full service advertising and public relations agency specializing in media strategy, public relations, advertising, grassroots marketing and promotions.
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Alumni, Alumni Recognition