Finkel Awarded Design Fellowship

Robert Finkel, assistant professor of graphic design in the School of Industrial + Graphic Design, has been awarded a $5,000 Design Fellowship from the Alabama State Council on the Arts. He was one of fourteen outstanding Alabama artists who received a fellowship grant based on the merit of their work, career achievement, professional development and service to the state.
The ASCA awards recognize artistic excellence as well as professional commitment and maturity. In their awards announcement, ASCA said, “Finkel’s work is engaging and community-focused with a high quality level. Although he has only been in Alabama four years, he has made many connections with artists and is using his design skills to help promote craft artists and arts organizations around the state.” For more, click here.
Finkel joined the School of Industrial + Graphic Design in Auburn’s College of Architecture, Design and Construction as an assistant professor in fall 2011. He teaches courses in Typography, Graphic Design History, Corporate Identity and Letterpress. His creative scholarship is centered around identity design and branding, letterpress printing, and publication design. His work has been published in Print Magazine Regional Design Annual, Creative Quarterly, LogoLounge Vols. 8 and 9, Creative Anarchy and received a silver award at the University and College Designers Association 2015 annual conference.
See more in:
Accolades, Faculty, Faculty Recognition, Faculty Work
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Robert Finkel