Farrow as 2nd VP of ASC

Ben Farrow, Aderholt Professor at CADC, was recently elected to serve as 2nd Vice President of the Associated Schools of Construction (ASC). This position acts as a pipeline to becoming the President of ASC four years later. “Once elected to 2nd VP, a person serves two years,” said Farrow. “Then, they automatically serve two years as 1st VP, and finally, as president for a period of two years.” In Farrow’s case because of some change of officers at ASC, he will serve 3 years as 2nd VP and 2 years each in the other two positions. “It really is an election that sets my path for the next 7 years,” he added. Other Auburn Building Science faculty who have served as Presidents were School Heads John Murphy and John Mouton.
“I’m honored to be elected as ASC’s Second VP, and I am grateful for the support I have received from Auburn and from national and international schools of construction. I look forward to continuing ASC’s long history of advancing construction education, research, and practice,” Farrow said.
As 2nd VP, Farrow will be responsible for heading up ASC Competition Committee for student competitions, soliciting and securing hosts for their annual conference each April, and heading up the publication committee.
The ASC is an international association representing the interests of both academic and industry professionals interested in institutional construction education. It is a professional association for the development and advancement of construction education, where the sharing of ideas and knowledge inspires, guides and promotes excellence in curricula, teaching, research and service. The ASC is dedicated to the professional growth and success of its membership, and is committed to fostering excellence in construction communication, scholarship, research, education, and practice. “
Auburn was one of the founding members of the ASC,” Farrow said. “I think Auburn benefits by being engaged at a national and international level with the leaders of construction education.”
See more in:
Accolades, Faculty
Related people:
C. Ben Farrow