Environmental Design Welcomes Susan Silberberg

The Environmental Design Program in the College of Architecture, Design and Construction will host a lecture and workshop sessions by Susan Silberberg, lecturer in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at MIT and founder of CivicMoxie, LLC, a planning and urban design advisory group in Boston, MA, on April 7–8. Silberberg’s lecture, “Placemaking: Building Communities through Design, Collaboration, And Action” is on Thursday, April 7, at 4:00 p.m. in Dudley Commons B6 auditorium. Two workshop sessions on placemaking will be on April 8, beginning at 10:00 a.m. in 204 Dudley. All events are free and open to the public.
An accomplished city planner, urban designer, architect, author, and educator. Silberberg is Founder and Director of CivicMoxie, LLC, a planning, urban design, real estate advisory and strategic placemaking group with experience in serving municipalities, not for profits, corporations, developers, foundations, and community groups. She taught in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at MIT for thirteen years and is the lead author of Places in the Making: How placemaking builds places and communities, the MIT white paper on the current state of placemaking. Silberberg is also the author of The Common Thread in the November 2015 Royal Society for the for the Appreciation of Art (RSA) Journal. The article explores the power of “making” in placemaking to support local heritage, traditions, and culture.
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