
The DESIGNhabitat program is an ongoing collaboration between the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture and the Alabama Association of Habitat Affiliates (AAHA). From its inception in 2001, this collaboration has applied the energy and talents of APLA’s faculty and students to the challenge of designing and constructing high-quality, affordable housing.
Embedding sustainable design best-practice into the homes built by Habitat for Humanity (HFH) affiliates has been a primary objective of the program since its inception. The program shows affiliates how to conserve energy via design strategies tailored to the region’s climate, and how to use sustainability principles, like passive solar, to reduce the use of energy-consuming heating and cooling systems.
For information on DESIGNhabitat, contact Professor of Architecture David Hinson or Associate Professor of Architecture Justin Miller at Auburn’s School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture.
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