
Summer Camps

The CADC offers multiple week-long summer camps to help students explore the fields of Architecture, Design and Construction prior to high school graduation. These camps allow students to interact with CADC faculty, spend time in our facilities and learn about our majors while in a fun summer camp environment. The CADC partners with the Auburn Youth Programs Office for the residential portion of our camps. In the evenings campers will experience campus life while residing in Auburn residence halls, eating at campus dining facilities, and enjoying social and recreational activities with 24/7 Auburn Youth Programs Counselor supervision.

Architecture Camp

Building Construction Camp

Start the week by learning construction management processes like estimating, scheduling, BIM modeling, materials and methods and safety from our Building Science Faculty.

Finish the week using the construction management processes learned to build a structure.

Camper at the 2023 Design and Construction Discovery Camp

DCDC will expose participants to the majors in the CADC and the career possibilities that follow a degree from the CADC. The camp is open to all students with a focus on students from underrepresented geographic locations and backgrounds.

Camper at the 2023 Design and Construction Discovery Camp

With the instruction of faculty, current students and staff, campers will complete projects representative of all the CADC majors. Each day of camp will focus into one of the three schools in the CADC, and the final day of camp will include an exhibition of all the work from the week along with awards for the most outstanding projects.

Camper at the 2023 Design and Construction Discovery Camp

The goals of DCDC are to teach campers about the many career opportunities that exist in the fields of Architecture, Design and Construction, to expose participants to the diverse, studio and lab based majors in the CADC and to provide experiential learning opportunities through project-based curriculum.

Aubie at the 2023 Design and Construction Discovery Camp

DCDC is a scholarship camp. Students selected to attend will have the $900 camp fee waived.

Industrial Design Workshop

Industrial and Graphic Design Camp