CADC Announces Faculty Promotions for Fall 2024

CADC faculty Emily Knox, Robert Sproull and Junshan Liu

The College of Architecture, Design and Construction (CADC) is proud to announce that the following faculty members have been appointed or promoted effective Fall 2024. We celebrate your hard work and achievements!

In the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture (APLA), Emily Knox and Robert Sproull have been promoted from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor with tenure. Knox and Sproull are both Auburn graduates. Knox was recently selected to serve as Program Chair of the Master of Landscape Architecture program, while Sproull is a member of the Environmental Design faculty.

In the McWhorter School of Building Science (BSCI), Junshan Liu has been promoted from Associate Professor to Full Professor. Liu teaches both undergraduate- and graduate-level Building Science courses.

“Congratulations to our faculty colleagues who have been promoted to associate professor with tenure and full professor,” stated Dawn Finley, CADC Dean and McWhorter Endowed Chair. “Their impressive, ongoing research, creative work, teaching and service contribute to the advancement of their disciplines—locally, nationally and internationally—and shape impactful experiences for our students, alumni and extended communities. Cheers to their significant accomplishments and continued enterprising futures at the CADC.”