CADC Announces Faculty Promotions for Fall 2023

The College of Architecture, Design and Construction (CADC) is proud to announce that the following faculty members have been appointed or promoted effective Fall 2023. We celebrate your hard work and achievements!
In the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture (APLA), several faculty members have been promoted from Associate Professor to Full Professor. This includes Rebecca O’Neal of Architecture; Justin Miller, current Head of the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture; and Rusty Smith, Associate Director of APLA’s Rural Studio.
In the McWhorter School of Building Science (BSCI), Ben Farrow has been promoted from Associate Professor to Full Professor. Farrow currently serves as CADC’s Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and International Programs.
In the School of Industrial and Graphic Design (SIGD), two faculty members from the Industrial Design program received promotions. Shu-Wen Tzeng was promoted from Associate Professor to Full Professor, and Joyce Thomas was promoted from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor with tenure.
“We are delighted to congratulate our colleagues who have been tenured and/or promoted to new positions beginning this fall semester,” stated CADC Interim Dean Karen Rogers. “Whether it’s in teaching, creative work and scholarship, research or service, our faculty make unique, impactful and significant contributions to our college and to our communities, and we are excited to see what they will accomplish next.”
See more in:
Alumni, Alumni Recognition, Faculty Recognition
Related people:
Rebecca O’Neal, Justin Miller, Rusty Smith, C. Ben Farrow, Shu-Wen Tzeng, Joyce Thomas