Building Science Student to Serve as CADC’s Fall Commencement Marshal

Anna Cory of the McWhorter School of Building Science has been selected as the student marshal for the College of Architecture, Design and Construction at Auburn University’s fall 2022 commencement ceremony, scheduled for December 9-10.
Cory will receive a Bachelor of Science in Building Construction. As an Auburn student, she was a member of Sigma Lambda Chi International Construction Honor Society and the Catholic Students Organization.
Cory is from Rockwall, Texas and will begin her career after graduation as a Project Engineer for McCarthy Building Companies, Inc., in Dallas, Texas. She says that she is looking forward to working in the industry but will miss her Auburn classmates. “I enjoy the fast-paced, hands-on aspect of managing a construction site,” she stated. “I love the camaraderie that the Building Science professional program helps to build through our cohorts. I know that I will run into many of my classmates again in the construction world, and I am glad to have been given the opportunity to get to know them so well.”
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Student Recognition