Bugg Named as New Service Learning Chair

Alan Bugg

Assistant Professor Alan Bugg has been named the Service Learning Chair in the McWhorter School of Building Science as Scott Kramer, J.E. Wilborn Endowed Chair and Professor, steps down from the role. In his new position, Bugg will oversee all activities associated with BSCI 4360 Construction Field Lab, a senior level course in which students work in teams of ten students and one faculty advisor to create built solutions to issues facing non-profits.

Curtis House - BSCI Service Learning

In the course, organizations are invited to explain their missions and present their proposals to the student teams who then choose one project that aligns with their interests. Between them, the students on each team complete a total of 600 hours of planning and building during the semester. At the end of the project, students present their work and share the experiences and lessons they learned from serving others. Auburn is the only construction school in the nation with a service learning course as a graduation requirement. Auburn’s students complete 14 projects annually.

Under Kramer’s leadership, Auburn’s service learning program has received multiple awards for outreach. Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) has repeatedly honored Auburn’s commitment to service with the national AGC in the Community Award in 2022, a Special Recognition Community Award in 2020 and the Community Development Award in 2019. Also in 2019, Kramer was honored with an Auburn University Award for Excellence in Faculty Outreach and in 2022 received Auburn’s Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award for humanitarian leadership and contributions to the community.

“I am honored to be selected as the Service Learning Chair,” Bugg stated. “We have a great group of professors who are committed to instilling a sense of service in the future construction leaders we graduate from Auburn. It is our goal to build on the strong foundation established by Scott and others to improve our service to the local community and the nation.”

Related people:
Alan Bugg, Scott Kramer