Bennett Receives President’s Medal for Distinguished Service from the National Council of Architectural Registration Board

Daniel D. Bennett, FAIA, Professor and Dean Emeritus of the College of Architecture, Design and Construction, was awarded the President’s Medal for Distinguished Service, the National Council of Architectural Registration Board’s highest honor. Bennett was recognized for his many years of service to the Alabama Board of Architects and NCARB as well as his leadership of several committees at the organization’s 2017 Annual Business Meeting in Boston, MA in June.
Bennett, who served as dean of the CADC from 2000 until 2010, has been a member of the Alabama Board of Architects since 2008, serving multiple terms as both chair and vice chair. He volunteered his time and expertise as chair of several committees, including Education, Experience, Experience Advisory, and Practice Education. As the 2015-2016 chair of the Experience Committee, Bennett provided guidance in the transition from the Intern Development Program to the Architectural Experience Program.
Bennett has also served on several Architect Registration Examination subcommittees, a National Architectural Accrediting Board visiting team, the Procedures and Documents Committee, and was chair of the NCARB Award Jury. Bennett was deeply involved in efforts to analyze and evaluate the requirements for licensure in New Zealand and Australia, which led to the approval of the Mutual Recognition Arrangement between NCARB and these countries. He recently completed an exercise with the United Kingdom that could lead to a similar accord.
This latest honor joins Bennett’s many other professional accolades that include being elected to the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows, the highest honor AIA members can bestow on one of their peers. Named one of DesignIntelligence’s Most Admired Educators, Bennett also received the Alabama Architectural Foundation’s Distinguished Architect Award from the Alabama Council of the American Institute of Architects and was inducted into the Alabama Construction Hall of Fame. A 1968 graduate of Auburn’s architecture program, Bennett received the Auburn Alumni Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award in 2012.
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Faculty Recognition