APLA Spring 2022 Awards Day: Writing & Book Awards

2022 APLA Writing Awards Committee:
Carla Keyvanian, Committee Chair and Professor, Architecture
Charlene LeBlue, Professor, Landscape Architecture
Kevin Moore, Associate Professor, Interior Architecture
Jennifer Smith, Assistant Professor, Environmental Design
Environmental Design
Landscape Architecture: Undergraduate Student Research Awards
Architecture/Interior Architecture
Aydelot Travel Award
Tricia Smith
The Pursuit of a More Personal Architecture: The Value of Primal Experience and Vernacular References in Contemporary Buildings
Nordragota, Faroe Islands – Town Hall Eysturkommuna by Henning Larsen
Cologne, Germany – Kolumba Museum by Peter Zumthor
Gubbio, Italy – Extension of the Gubbio Cemetery by Andrea Dragoni + Francesco Pes
Nouméa, New Caledonia – Jean-Marie Tjibaou Cultural Center | Renzo Piano
Gilchrist Award
Carla Slabber
Awarded annually to a 4th year student with a high GPA at the conclusion of the fall of their 4th year of study.
Summerour Prize
Caitlyn Biffle
Benjamin Luebkmann
Awarded annually to a 4th year student with a high GPA at the conclusion of the fall of their 4th year of study. The Summerour Prize is awarded to a student(s)
who have demonstrated excellence in design communication throughout their time in the Architecture program. The recipients of the prize are selected based on faculty review of their design portfolios at the beginning of their 5th year of study
Gilchrist Award
Carla Slabber
Awarded annually to a 4th year student with a high GPA at the conclusion of the fall of their 4th year of study.
Edward Allen Student Award
Daniel Burton
The Edward Allen Student Award is the highest honor given by the Building Technology Educators’ Society recognizing students – who, over their academic
career – have demonstrated commitment, passion, curiosity, and excellence in the integration of building technology and architectural design.
AIA Medal for Excellence
Adam Davis
This medal is awarded to the graduating senior who has exhibited the very highest GPA during his or her tenure as a student in the School of Architecture.
Alpha Rho Chi Medal
Nick Bruno
The Alpha Rho Chi Medal is awarded to a student who has shown ability for LEADERSHIP, performed willing SERVICE for the College and School, and gives promise
of real, professional MERIT through his or her attitude and personality.