Annual Pumpkin Carve Returns to Dudley Courtyard

The Auburn University American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) hosted the 33rd annual Pumpkin Carve on October 29th, 2021. What began as a studio project has become one of the most celebrated events within the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture (APLA). The event is one of the largest fundraisers for the Auburn University chapter of the AIAS; students, faculty, and the community gather to carve pumpkins, enjoy available refreshments provided by various College of Architecture, Design and Construction (CADC) organizations, participate in a silent auction to win napkin sketches created by CADC faculty, and observe the lighting of nearly 200 pumpkins.
The day-long event began at 9AM, with pumpkin carving ending at 6 PM. At dark, each pumpkin was illuminated and judges from the community, along with CADC faculty, selected several pumpkins with the best design. Winners were recognized with awards donated from local businesses, and their pumpkins were auctioned off to raise money for the Auburn University AIAS. The un-carved pumpkins were available for purchase for $5, along with specially designed Pumpkin Carve t-shirts. This year, Auburn’s ASLA chapter had a table to sell hot cider and hot chocolate and the CADC Student Ambassadors sold pies, with proceeds benefitting each organization. Two architecture firms, SS&L Architects and PH&J Architects also had tables set up at this event and donated to AIAS. All proceeds raised at Pumpkin Carve this year benefited the AIAS.
The 33rd Pumpkin Carve stands out as a testament to the resilience of the students, faculty, and community after returning to the traditional, fully live format of past Pumpkin Carve events. The ability to resurrect this beloved tradition underscores the importance of community to the students in Dudley Hall.
To view pumpkin carving entries and napkin sketches go to:
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Student Organizations