
Strategic Plans

CADC Strategic Plan

Core Strategies

Program Signature Identities: Establish, strengthen and communicate one or more “Signature Identities” for each CADC program that capitalizes on its unique nature, culture, attributes, strengths, and aspirations. Specialization contributes to national distinction and guides investments of resources (time, effort, funding, etc.) from the University as well as public/private sector support.

    • Identify discipline-based specialization(s) consistent with our current strengths which complement the Auburn Mission
    • Identify support needs and funding mechanisms within each discipline such as strategic hires, applied research/project grants, donations, and communications strategies to elevate program-specific signature identity
    • Establish significant and influential partnerships with core and related professions and industries that contribute to and strengthen our distinct identity and tripartite mission

Personnel Development and Expansion: To support new ventures and elevate existing initiatives, increase the number of faculty positions by at least 10 over the next five-year period through the addition of faculty fellows, visiting faculty, and applied research faculty positions. Increase catalytic staff positions appropriately to support program, faculty, and student development. Faculty/Staff energy, expertise, and time fuel continued improvement.

    • Secure long and short-term endowments to retain and recruit faculty and staff
    • Calibrate graduate and undergraduate enrollment
    • Enhance existing and emerging discipline/personnel strengths through support to applied research and creative scholarship activities that increase prestige, impact and/or extramural funding
    • Develop one or more highly selective Ph.D. programs
    • Obtain investment/start-up funds from internal and external sources

Student Development: Enhance the professional and leadership capabilities of CADC graduates.

Industry/professional/academic assessment of our graduates, throughout their professional arc, is the primary metric underpinning most national rankings.

Establish (or enhance) and support:

    • Career placement in each program founded on “best fit” criteria
    • Student leadership and mentorship programs
    • Undergraduate and graduate research, applied research, and experiential opportunities
    • Study abroad and study beyond opportunities
    • Need-based as well as merit-based student support (stipends, scholarships, fellowships)

Culture of Excellence: Establish an across-the-board, seamless, ever-present, Culture of Excellence that provides an encouraging, exciting, collegial and impeccably run environment for the CADC internal and external community. Standards and processes which promote excellence are essential to establish, elevate, and sustain national prominence.

    • Identify, map and refine all organizational business processes to ensure an exceptional operational culture
    • Seek opportunities for selective and intentional, internal and external collaborations
    • Bring the School of Industrial and Graphic Design into closer physical proximity
    • Ensure continued improvement, operations and maintenance of the infrastructure and facilities necessary to support the nationally recognized programs that make up the CADC