Graphic Design Students Participate in AIGA Atlanta Student Pinup
Twelve Auburn Graphic Design students participated in the sixth annual AIGA Atlanta Student Pin-up show this year at Big Studio in Atlanta, GA on Saturday, January 24. Eleven schools were collectively represented by an estimated 100+ students pinning 200+ projects. Sara Hagale, a junior in the Graphic Design program, won the Judges Choice Award for her chocolate package design created in Robert Finkel’s Introduction to Graphic Design course. Other Auburn Graphic Design student participants include: Rachel Herring, Christina Aycock, Claudia Whitaker, Allie Flint, Amanda Butcher, Kayde Moore, Kristen Harlin, Jessica Chambliss, Sarah Palmer, Morgan Smith, and Megan Wilson. Courtney Windham, Assistant Professor of Graphic Design, was the Auburn AIGA faculty advisor for the event. The judges included Nicole Riekki, Creative Director of Chick-fil-A Corp; Kurt Seidle, Designer at Grant Collaborative; Sam Eckersley, Partner of REDNYC, Atlanta/NYC.
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Student Work