Tiger Giving Day a Success for CADC Projects!

Rural Studio Build Hale County Homes

Thanks to the generous support of friends and alumni, both CADC projects exceeded their goals.

Build Hale County Homes: Rural Studio Designing 20K Houses: $65,492 (327% of goal!)

Project Owners: Natalie Butts-Ball and Andrew Freear, Rural Studio, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture Funding will provide three high quality, affordable homes for families in Hale County, Alabama, designed and built by Auburn students. 

3D Printing Prosthetics for Wounded Veterans: $9,400 (104% of goal!)

Project Owners: Jerrod Windham, Industrial Design, and Scott Renner, Center for Disability Research and Service Funding will provide researchers and students with 3D printers and supplies to create better prosthetics for veterans. 

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