Message from the Dean: Spring 2021 Plans
Information regarding the start of the spring 2021 semester and operations for January 11-24, 2021
To all CADC Faculty, Staff and Students:
You should have received one or more of a series of emails from Auburn University on Tuesday, December 29 with information regarding the start of the Spring 2021 semester. This message is to clarify what these new plans will mean for faculty, staff and students, particularly with regard to the period from January 11–24, 2021.
FACULTY: Spring classes will begin on Monday, January 11. Due to the increase in COVID cases in Alabama and the nation, faculty will now have the option to teach their in-person courses via remote instruction for the first two weeks of the semester, January 11–24. If, as projections indicate, the COVID situation has improved by mid-January, please plan to return to face-to-face instruction if this was originally the modality selected for your course. The decision concerning what modality to use for instruction from January 11–24 is to be made by individual faculty. PLEASE INFORM YOUR STUDENTS, SCHOOL HEAD, PROGRAM CHAIR AND THE CORRESPONDING CADC ASSOCIATE DEAN OF YOUR DECISION BY JANUARY 4, 2021, even if you have decided to continue with face-to-face instruction.
STAFF: CADC staff will continue to operate as we did in November and December, through January 24. School Heads and Associate Deans will be communicating with their respective teams. Please contact your supervisor if you have any questions. For clarification regarding the leave policies mentioned in the the HR announcement on December 29 please contact our CADC HR liaison, Colleen Newschwander.
STUDENTS: By January 5, 2021 you will receive a message from each of your instructors concerning how your courses will be delivered from January 11–24. Any changes in your syllabi will soon be available on Canvas or through your Auburn email.
The College of Architecture, Design and Construction is the remarkable community that it is because of every one of you. I cannot thank you enough for your hard work, your patience and your adaptability during these difficult times.
The decision to opt to remote course delivery for the start of the Spring semester was made out of concern for the health and safety of everyone at Auburn.
Vini Nathan