LeBleu Named AU 2020 Woman of Distinction

Professor of Landscape Architecture in the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture, Charlene LeBleu, FCELA, FASLA, AICP, has received the Auburn University 2020 Woman of Distinction faculty award. These awards honor women who demonstrate exemplary leadership abilities, lead with heart, create innovative solutions to the world’s most challenging problems, and inspire and uplift the entire Auburn Family. Recipients are nominated by their peers based on their achievements, influence on other women and creative and innovative leadership within and beyond Auburn University. The Office of Inclusion and Diversity describes the awardees as “women leaders who awaken the passion for the success of those around her.”
Professor Le Bleu’s academic and professional career underscores her recognition. She is a Fellow of the American Society of Landscape Architects (FASLA), a Fellow and past President of the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA) and a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP). She is the former Editor-in-Chief of Landscape Research Record, the official conference proceedings of the annual CELA conference, and served as Vice-President of Research and Creative Scholarship (2014 – 2016) for CELA. She has a B.S. in Forest Resources and Conservation from the University of Florida, and both a Master of Landscape Architecture and a Master of Community Planning from Auburn University. Professor LeBleu’s primary areas of interest and research focus on community engagement, coastal planning and design, campus planning and design, and water quality issues, especially those related to low-impact development design.
Professor Le Bleu says that she is humbled to receive recognition as a 2020 Auburn University Women of Distinction. “It is a great honor [and] I encourage all women to follow their passion. Passion compels us to excellence.”
See the full list of 2020 Women of Distinction Award winners and learn more about the Office if Inclusion and Diversity’s Women’s Initiatives Programs, at OID’s website.
See more in:
Faculty, Faculty Accolades, Faculty Recognition
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Charlene LeBleu