Constructing the Persuasive Portfolio

The Only Primer You'll Ever Need
Constructing the Persuasive Portfolio, by Margaret Fletcher, provides a much-needed detailed focus to the art of designing a compelling and effective architectural portfolio. While no design process is truly linear, Fletcher’s categorization of the complex architectural portfolio design process into achievable segments creates a straightforward and understandable step-by-step method.
Through full color visual illustrations including 400 portfolio examples from 55 different designers, along with over 50 explanatory diagrams, the book discusses topics such as identifying the audience, collecting, documenting and cataloging your work, strategies for portfolio organization, systems of visual structure, as well as guidelines for designing the graphic layout. It also gives directed advice on both printed and digital portfolio formats. With a set of 48 specific design actions that are keyed throughout, the book offers best practices for a wide variety of design problems to simplify troubleshooting for the designer.
As the ultimate tool of persuasion at your disposal, the portfolio is one of the single most important design exercises of your academic and professional career. Constructing the Persuasive Portfolio will not only show you everything you need to know about the full process of creating your portfolio; it will also give you the know-how to design it. This book is the last word on portfolio design you will ever need!
Margaret Fletcher is an Associate Professor of Architecture in the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture. Fletcher’s research and creative work is focused on the visual representation of architectural ideas and architecture pedagogy. Fletcher currently teaches in the Fourth Year Program of Architecture and is the Associate Chair of the Architecture Program.
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Margaret Fletcher