
Program Logistics


Explore what you’ll need to know

Mred Class

Professional Programs require:

More space and personnel, a lower student-to-teacher ratio, and access to a higher level of technology than most disciplines

These factors incur significant costs associated with achieving and maintaining accreditation from the appropriate specialized, national agencies.

General Logistics

Laptop Requirements

Program-Specific Logistics

Professional Fees

The CADC charges a professional fee to partially defray the difference between state funding and tuition, and the actual costs of our professional programs. Within each program, a professional fee charge of $2,160 is tied to enrollment in specific trigger courses. During semesters when students are enrolled in these classes they will be charged the professional fee.

Through the professional fees, the CADC continues to provide our students with rigorous and relevant academic experiences, which contribute to our programs being recognized as among the best in the nation.


The CADC awards departmental scholarships based on a student’s AUSOM application and supplemental CADC application within AUSOM. The AUSOM application is a university-wide application. To ensure maximum consideration, it is imperative that students submit their AUSOM application by 4:45 p.m. CST on the day of the deadline to receive consideration for scholarships. Criteria for scholarships vary and include, but may not be limited to, academic major, geographic location, academic achievement, and financial need.

For more information…


Should you have any questions about professional fees or trigger courses, please contact the

Office of Student Services
