
CADC Research Council
The CADC Research Council is composed of representatives of the three CADC Schools, the CADC research labs, initiatives and centers and CADC research administrators. The CADC Research Council establishes and reviews research-related policies and issues, provides a forum for research-related topics and reviews annual proposals for the CADC Seed Grant program and the McWhorter Fund for Excellence grants.
CADC Seed Grant Program
The CADC’s Seed Grant program provides yearly opportunities for faculty to apply for small grants to initiate new research endeavors and to provide match funding for the Auburn University Intramural Grant Program. The Seed Grant Awards are funded by the CADC Dean’s Office and reviewed by the CADC Research Council.
CADC Visiting Scholars
The CADC hosts a number of visiting scholars each year. These scholars enrich our academic and research enterprise, promote collaboration and help us build strategic alliances with international institutions.