Students must have received an ‘S’ in Fall semester ARCH classes.
General Information:
If accepted, students can not defer this acceptance to another academic year.
If students fail to complete the Fall semester studio sequence OR are not accepted into the Second Year Studio sequence at the end of Spring semester, they will not be readmitted to the Foundation Unit Program.
Students can elect to participate in the following Summer Design Studio session in this instance. They will be required to participate in the entire Summer Program.
Eligibility for this is dependent on Summer Design Criteria.
Criteria of Eligibility:
Students must have successfully completed 27 hours.
Students must have received passing grades in the following classes:
ARCH 1000
General Physics I
Calculus I or Math 1150
Students must meet the minimum GPA requirement of 2.80.
General Information:
In the event that all Summer Design seats are not filled based on the stated criteria, the committee may opt to fill the remaining seats based on academic performance of the applicants.
Summer Design Studio sequences is divided into two sessions.
During the course of the first session, each student’s work is periodically ranked relative to their peers.
At the end of the first session, the students with the highest rank-in-class are accepted into session two, subject to available space.
Students not accepted into the Second Year Studio may elect to:
Retake the entire sequence of courses during the following Summer Design session if they meet the admission criteria.
Change majors.
General Information:
Admission to the Second Year Studio sequence is predicated on the receipt of a grade of C or better in both ARCH 1020 and ARCH 1420.
The Grade Adjustment Policy may not be used to progress to Second Year Studio.
Matriculation to Second Year Studio sequence:
Foundation Unit students who fail to successfully complete the Fall semester studio sequence OR students not accepted into the Second Year Studio sequence at the end of Spring semester will not be readmitted to the Foundation Unit Program.
These students may elect to participate in the following Summer Design Studio session and will be required to participate in the entire summer program.
Eligibility is dependent on Summer Design Criteria.
Summer Design students not accepted to Second Year Studio may elect to retake the entire sequence of courses during the following Summer Design Session if they meet the admission criteria.
Criteria for Admission:
Transfer students must meet the minimum requirements as set by Auburn University to be admitted to the College of Architecture, Design, and Construction as a Pre-Architecture Student.
Transfer students are advised to transfer for the Summer semester and begin with the Summer Design Studio sequence.
They must meet the minimum qualifications for admission to Summer Design.
Transfers from NAAB-accredited architecture programs:
In addition to meeting the minimum requirements as set by Auburn University, transfer students from NAAB-accredited architecture programs will be evaluated by the Academic Review Committee (ARC) for placement.
The ARC will determine the level of placement in the Professional Architecture Design Studio sequence OR in the Pre-Architecture Program.
In the United States, most registration boards require a degree from an accredited professional degree program as a prerequisite for licensure. The National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB), which is the sole agency authorized to accredit professional degree programs in architecture offered by institutions with U.S. regional accreditation, recognizes three types of degrees: the Bachelor of Architecture, the Master of Architecture, and the Doctor of Architecture. A program may be granted an eight-year term, an eight-year term with conditions, or a two-year term of continuing accreditation, or a three-year term of initial accreditation, depending on the extent of its conformance with established education standards.
Doctor of Architecture and Master of Architecture degree programs may require a non-accredited undergraduate degree in architecture for admission. However, the non-accredited degree is not, by itself, recognized as an accredited degree.
Auburn University, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture offers the following NAAB-accredited degree program:
Bachelor of Architecture, 159 credits required. (next accreditation visit: Spring 2026)