All applications for admission to undergraduate programs within the College of Architecture, Design and Construction at Auburn must be completed through the Auburn Undergraduate Admissions Office.
Architecture Students FAQ
No. Many high schools do not teach art classes. Our studios provide the design fundamentals needed to be a successful designer. Admissions decisions are made by the University Admissions Office and portfolios are not reviewed. If you have questions regarding university admissions requirements, please contact the AU Undergraduate Admissions Office.
Courses in Calculus, Physics, and English are the best preparatory courses. These classes show dedication to one’s learning and are the best preparation for taking the ACT/SAT exam. Art and architecture classes are encouraged, but not required.
If you are a high school student trying to decide on a world language, we recommend Spanish or Italian. Many of our study abroad opportunities travel through Italy and several countries in South America.
Visit the scholarship page for more information for scholarship opportunities within the college and program.
Transfer Students
We refer to currently enrolled Auburn undergraduate students who want to change their major and transfer into our programs as “internal transfers.”
All students must have a 2.8 GPA to transfer.
Pick up your change of major form from your current student services office along with your file and make an appointment to see one of our program advisors through Advise Assist or by calling our Student Services Office at 334-844-5350.
Students enrolled at Auburn who are accepted through the internal transfer process are all required to take the Summer Design Studio to compete for their spot in the professional program.
Pre-Architecture students admitted through the external transfer process will be required to take the Summer Design Studio to compete for their spot in the professional program. We recommend transfer students enter in the Summer semester. Placement for the Fall semester will be determined upon completion of the Summer session.
All students pursing an Architecture degree at Auburn must qualify for Summer Design and if accepted, will complete four or more years of study to receive a professional Bachelor of Architecture, fully accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB).
More Information
For more information about our programs, please contact the CADC Recruitment Office at 334-844-4569 or check out our Future Students Page.