Tau Sigma Delta Legacy Continues

The Tau Sigma Delta Honor Society in Architecture and Allied Arts is the only accredited national honor society for architecture and design majors. The Society recognizes intellectual achievement, effort and initiative as well as leadership and character; membership acknowledges undergraduate and graduate students who attain high scholastic standing in their field. (to read more about the Tau Sigma Delta Honor Society, read here: https://tausigmadelta.org/about/)
Prof. Clark Lundell, Head of the School of Industrial and Graphic Design, and Tau Sigma Delta Faculty Advisor, explains that “all new initiates have at least achieved a minimum 3.0 grade point average and [are] placed within the top 20% of their class.” He further clarifies, “If your graduating class is made up of 100 students, those with 3.0 GPAs and above might amount to 35 students. Of these 35 students only 20% would be invited to be inducted into Tau Sigma Delta which would mean that only 7 students out of 100 would be eligible.”
The organization also honors practitioners in the field for excellence in design with the national organization’s Gold Medal Award, which is presented each spring at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Annual Meeting (ACSA http://www.acsa-arch.org/). The Silver Medal is awarded by individual chapters to a Professional with a record of distinction in design. The Bronze Medal Award is presented to students who have distinguished themselves in design and is elected by the student membership of the chapter. The Auburn chapter, Alpha Theta, only awards the Bronze and Silver medals. Over the past four years the Silver Medal has been awarded to: Dean of the College of Architecture, Design and Construction, Vini Nathan; Prof. Emeritus of Graphic Design, John Morgan; Prof. Emeritus of Architecture, Scott Finn; Chair of the Environmental Design Program and Prof. of Architecture, Magdalena Garmaz. The Bronze Medal has most recently been awarded to Lauren Wertz, BArch ‘20.
In honor of their commitment to the legacy of Tau Sigma Delta, Alpha Theta Chapter at Auburn University founded in 1978, CADC would like to thank outgoing 2019 officers and welcome incoming officers for 2020 (listed below):
Incoming Tau Sigma Delta 2020 Officers:
President: Kyra Stark, kws0016@auburn.edu, ARCH
Vice President: Kaitlyn Glenn, kjg0016@auburn.edu, ENVD
Treasurer: Savannah Witt, sgw0023@auburn.edu, INDD
Outgoing 2019 Officers:
President: Katy Duncan, ked0045@auburn.edu , INDD
Vice President: Bentley Logue, bll0017@auburn.edu, ENVD
Treasurer: Lauren Barnes, lmb0055@auburn.edu, ARCH
The group photo includes incoming officers, advisors (Lundell, Nathan) and Silver (Magdalena Garmaz) and Bronze (Lauren Wertz) medal recipients.
See more in:
Student Organizations
Related people:
Clark Lundell,
Magdalena Garmaz,
Vini Nathan